Saturday, 30 April 2016

Experiment 2 - Design Development

After feedback on my first design, I decided to develop my light rail stop further, focussing on the elements of my design that were the most successful.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Experiment 2 - Week 2 Model in Lumion

Experiment 2 - Week 2 Models

Experiment 2 - Parallel projections

Concepts: Architecture is the logical outgrowth of the environment in which the environment in mind is to be located + Moshe Safdie's works are known for their dramatic curves, arrays of geometric patterns, use of windows, and key placement of open and green spaces.
Concepts:  Architecture is an abstract appeal to human capacity to judge time and space + Architecture must cope with rapid urban growth, congestion, and resisting the dehumanization of the environment

Concepts: The home can become a total work of art and craft in spite of an industrial system that alienates areas of human activity from creative, individual involvement + The design of a building should embody a sense of its purpose

Curving forms